Let's face it. Gas is getting extremely expensive. We spend so much time traveling from one place to another. We buy products one after another, pay off bills, purchase groceries, and spend so much money each month that we can barely afford to finish paying for what we need. With all of these monthly transactions, every penny counts, but gas shouldn't add to that stress. Transportation isn't optional for many of us. In fact, it's mandatory for most. Traveling to work, going to school, even doing the things we love. All of this requires us to buy gas, unless we make the decision to switch to electric-powered cars. An extra few cents per gallon may not seem like a lot, but that adds up over time. Fillup provides rewards, just for filling up your tank. It also has a spending graph that tracks your gas prices and expenses over the lifetime of your account, and it'll provide up-to-date prices per gas station that helps you find the balance between distance and price to optimize your savings, no matter where you are.

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